1st Blogiversary!!!!

Hello everyone,


1st Blogiversary wishes withheartandverve

I can’t believe my blog turns 1 today!!! It’s exactly an year ago that this blog was born out of my desire to reconnect with myself and give myself some Me-Time while trying to nurture my passion.Never did I think that when I started it a year ago, it would grow into what it is today with over 30 posts ,8000 views and 700 followers.Today on my first Blogiversary I’d like to take a moment to thank you all for the wonderful support,love  and encourgament.Whether you stumbled upon my blog through social media,or through a friend or drop by once in a  while…I appreciate it.I do….


Over the past year ,my posts have been sporadic and I regret not being able to write or share as frequently as I wanted to.But i’m sure most women who are caught up in the balancing act are aware of the constant challenges that come with the  territory and you must endure when  trying to  balance a career and a mom job.We try to hold on to the notion that we can do it all and overschedule ourselves in the process or may be there is no such process.

It’s just a way of life and the key is to stay focussed,figure out your priorities ,set boundaries simplify and scale back whenever you feel stressed .I feel it’s time to introspect ,look back and remind myself that my blog is my Me-Time to reconnect with my inner self and  feel more balanced and content .It definitely gives me a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment when I spend time on it.I have definitely  set some goals for the year ahead and I hope to achieve them at a steadier pace and with a better sense of direction.I’m eagerly looking forward to my second year of blogging!


Rohitha signature image

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