Diy Mini Kitchen Command Center

I’m always up for organization tricks and have a deep rooted love for decluttering tips for the home.Lately I’ve been bitten by the organizing bug and am  working on bringing some order to my home. I’ve always wanted a dedicated zone ,a command center of sorts in my kitchen-a one stop place for shopping lists,notes,coupons etc.I’ve seen  amazing kitchen command centers for sorting mail,family event calenders,drop baskets etc….and I’m full of appreciation for those families who pull them off so well and stick to the routine….

Custom Mini Kitchen Command Center

Personally I stick to cozy app on my iPhone  for important tasks and my phone calender.I was looking for a way to track daily menus,shopping lists and stash coupons etc. I threw together my very own customized mini command center using very few supplies mostly from dollar store –

Foam cardboard – 1$

Gift wrap- already had

Clipboard -1$

Dry erase board- 2$

two way adhesive stickers-1$

Clear Pouch-already had


clipboard,decorative paper/gift wrap,cardboard,dry erase board


I have  this big pantry cabinet in my kitchen and it gave me an idea to use the back of the long cabinet doors to hang my command center.  I wanted it to look cleaner and less busy .To personalize the whole thing ,I covered the cardboard in a fun bright gift wrap paper with  Jonathan Adler design (I’m in complete awe of his designs ).Then I just used the adhesive stickers to mount the board on the back of the door,then I used the adhesive stickers for mounting the dry erase board ,a mini notepad/clipboard ,and a clear pouch too.Then I tossed in some magnets and clips  I hung them at a nice easy-to-access height.

I love how it’s  completely hidden when the door is shut and I visit it atleast a couple times a day and am totally loving the behind-the-door surprise the pretty paper background adds. I use the dry erase board to jot down menu items.The clipboard with notepad is so convenient in terms of jotting down groceries on the go during the week .I just scribble on the paper anything i need to buy  and carry it with me or handover the list to my husband when he goes on purchasing trips.The clear pouch is a life saver when it comes to stashing coupons/bills etc.

clipboard and dryerase board for to-do lists and shopping lists

I usually put only food/grocery related coupons in the pouch as I can just grab them and go along with my shopping list or use them while ordering takeout.I use the magnets/clip to pin up recipes I want to try out,reminders etc….on need basis.I have another system for saving coupons /receipts etc. which has been working quite well for  me I must say (will share it sometime soon I promise).

Coupon holder


Custom Command Center

My mini organization board has been serving the purpose so far and it puts a smile on my face every time I open my cabinet doors..I love the fact that I can customize it however I want.So do you guys have any tips that help you stay organized?Will you do me a favor? If you like this post  will you please PIN IT? Thanks so much!


Linking this post to SerenityNow blog Weekend Bloggy Reading

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