Guest Post- Mixed Vegetable Oats soup

Hi everyone,

I can sense a lot of holiday vigor…..with Thanksgiving and Christmas around the corner and shopping  ,partying and  vacation plans on our minds…I guess it cannot get any more busy.I will be gone on

a long over due vacation to India ,so please expect my blog posts to be more sporadic than before….but once I’m back ,be ready for some long posts packed with vacation recaps ,highlights and not

to mention some frivolous shopping details….I’m sure I’d be brimming with news and pics to share.WithheartandVerve will now start featuring guest posts……so  if you have something interesting to

share or display and would like to share , be it a finger licking recipe or a jaw dropping DIY project…please send it my way and I will be more than delighted to feature it on my blog and pass it on to

fellow folks….

So without further ado…here’s my first guest post by a dear friend-Anusha-a healthy  soup recipe for starters -what can be more comforting than a low calorie ,healthy soup in the cold weather….

Anusha and I have been BFF ever since our college days and she is an immensely gifted person and a seasoned cook .I still remember the days when she gave me my first cooking lessons.

I will hand it over to Anu from here ,she is going to share this fast, simple and healthy recipe straight from her kitchen

Hi I am Anusha Thallam from Bangalore, India. I am a software engineer by profession, but besides work, I enjoy cooking and baking. These are my greatest stress-busters. My husband and I are great foodies, but very conscious about putting on those extra pounds. In all my experiments and the regular dishes I make, I try using healthy substitutes wherever possible, and this gives an edge to my cooking.I have known Rohitha closely since last nine years. Knowing my love for cooking, she let me post my recipe on her blog. Even I felt it’s a great way to share my experiments in cooking with all my friends.  Hope all you readers will try and enjoy them J”

It is tough to enjoy/digest anything when you are down with cold/flu/fever… Mixed Veg oats soup is one dish that could make you feel better in such situations. Not only for fever struck people, but it’s a great relish for all the soup lovers and makes a great supper for all the health-conscious people…

Preparation time: 10 mins

Cooking time: 15-20 mins

Serves: 2


  1. Tomatoes (medium sized)- 2/3
  2. Onion- 1
  3. Garlic- 2 cloves
  4. Coriander seeds- 1 tsp.
  5. Bay leaf- 1
  6. Cinnamon- ½” inch stick
  7. Oats- 1.5-2 tbsp ( as per the consistency of the soup u like)
  8. Beans- 4-5
  9. Carrot- 1 medium sized
  10. Peppers ( Yellow/red/Green )-  ½ cup- (whichever is available or make a combination for good colour)
  11. Broccoli-  7-8 medium sized florets
  12. Olive oil- 1 tbsp.
  13. Salt- as per taste
  14. Butter- 1 tsp
  15. Pepper powder- as per taste
  16. Coriander powder- 1 tsp
  17. Chili powder- ½ tsp
  18. Sugar- ½ tbsp


  • Boil first five ingredients for two vigils in pressure cooker.  Let the ingredients cool down, and then remove the bay leaf and cinnamon stick. And then grind the mixture and strain it to remove the pulp. Keep aside this mixture.
  • Chop beans, carrot, peppers and broccoli into small cubes.
  • Heat the soup pan with 1 tbsp Olive oil and add all the chopped vegetables . Fry them till they are almost done, then add the mixture in the step 1. Add the water as per the servings, usually two soup cups of water should do. Then add oats and all the spice
  • Powders. (Ingredients list- 15, 16, 17, and 18). (Oats will give u the consistency to soup, so there is no need to add any corn flour to thicken the soup).
  • Let the soup boil 4-5 mins, and then add salt and pepper powder as per your taste.
  • Add butter and serve hot.

This soup is a great medicine for all those suffering with cold and Sinus. Peppers, broccoli, garlic and spices are great home remedies for cold winter months….

Courtesy ‘My own creation J-Anusha’

I hope you guys will enjoy this simple recipe by Any and leave us  your comments !We would love to hear from you guys….

Happy holidays and stay tuned for more interesting recipes.for folks who want to send me guest posts,please email them to me and I will back to you  with the specifics.



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