Diy cakestand

DIY cakestands have been floating in the blogosphere for quite sometime now and even though they have been done to death, every time I look at one,I’m more inspired to create my own version.I started off with this cute plate I found on clearance at one of my favorite stores and since it was heavy ,I needed a wide base .I picked up this candle holder from Ikea also on clearance for 5 bucks and with some E6000 glue and a little nap time(yes,my son’s nap time) -I had my version ready for under 10 bucks!


I just applied the glue with a Q Tip to both the surfaces i.e. the candle holder rim and the bottom center of my plate.I followed the instructions on the E6000 glue to the letter and after letting it dry for 24hrs ,I love how it turned out .Now I can’t wait to bake a delicious cake and serve it on my latest crush at my next party….


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